Jan 13, 2009

Northern Lights veil Jie U.S. Space Agency launch a satellite research

The U.S. space agency, "the National Aeronautics and Space Administration" has launched a satellite loaded with 5 rocket lifted off from the first research project carried out the Northern Lights, hoping to solve a century the mystery of the Northern Lights. 

 NASA said in a statement that the period of two years, to be called "THEMIS" (Vice-time record of geomagnetic storms during the incident and macro-scale interaction studies) plan, after 24 hours of delay, was successfully launched last night rocket. 

 NASA Web site, said: "The space program will help solve the vice geomagnetic storms triggered the mystery of the phenomenon." 

 Department said: "The discovery of the space program will help to help protect commercial satellites and humans in space from the adverse effects of particle radiation." 

 Once deployed, the satellites will run every four days to the top of North America in order to observe the formation of the Northern Lights; such aurora is a polar region is located in the night sky, the dazzling light show. 

 On the ground, Alaska and Canada, observation station will be filming this colorful phenomenon of light and shade. 

 NASA THEMIS project leaders Snow said: "This is a challenging plan, will be a scientific explanation for this light to replace the traditional myth, which also provided a light clear evidence showing that the Earth the magnetosphere to protect us from the serious effects of the solar wind. " 

 Scientists hope that this joint operation of five satellites, able to identify the location of the Northern Lights have the exact location.

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